Weblog abonnieren
before you go to bed tonight, ask your parents if you can stay up a little longer to surf the web for info on the war. cause bbc online for children has all the answers.

why has the war started? who will win? will it be WW3? pleeeeaaase mum - 5 more minutes!

"How long will war take?
No-one is really sure how long the fighting will go on for.

The US has loads of really hi-tech weapons that they hope will make the war finish very quickly.

But no-one knows exactly what the US wants the war to do."

und jetzt gute nacht, du rübe. morgen darfst du wieder CNN schauen vorm kindergarten.
jefferson meinte am 21. Mär, 23:01:
Sind wir nicht alle eingebettet? 

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