please someone stop me from ending the third headline in a row with a question mark. okay, thank you.
yet here another questionable dictum:
Embedded in the press corps
: New York Magazine media dog [journalist turned new media entrepreneur turned journalist; Ed.] Michael Wolff
is in every Centcom [central command; Ed.] briefing.
Today, Gen. Renuart called on him as "the gentleman with my kind of haircut."
Wolf asked the general whether the media was misrepresenting the progress of the war... or not.
"The media is reality," the general replied.

the gentleman (wolff) with ...

my kind of haircut (renuart)
anyone else heard this?
yet here another questionable dictum:
Embedded in the press corps
: New York Magazine media dog [journalist turned new media entrepreneur turned journalist; Ed.] Michael Wolff
is in every Centcom [central command; Ed.] briefing.
Today, Gen. Renuart called on him as "the gentleman with my kind of haircut."
Wolf asked the general whether the media was misrepresenting the progress of the war... or not.
"The media is reality," the general replied.

the gentleman (wolff) with ...

my kind of haircut (renuart)
anyone else heard this?
allthatglitters - am Mittwoch, 26. März 2003, 10:42