"in the coming days, government contract officers plan to give American companies the first contracts to rebuild Iraq, a task that experts say could eventually cost $25 billion to $100 billion.
The companies that have been invited to bid on the work include some of the nation's largest and most politically connected construction businesses. Among them are Halliburton, where Vice President Dick Cheney served as chief executive from 1995 until mid-2000; the Bechtel Group, whose ranks have included several Republican cabinet alumni; and Fluor, which has ties to several former top government intelligence and Pentagon procurement officials [...]
[the Bush administration] may face some heat from lawmakers upset that the administration is moving so swiftly to sign deals with private companies without consulting Congress first."

Erfahrung am Bau: Halliburton. Besides its links to Mr. Cheney, the company has been a major military contractor since World War II. Most recently, it handled the high-speed construction of the Guantánamo prison compound for terror suspects .
neugierig geworden? die halliburton aktie steht nicht schlecht.
The companies that have been invited to bid on the work include some of the nation's largest and most politically connected construction businesses. Among them are Halliburton, where Vice President Dick Cheney served as chief executive from 1995 until mid-2000; the Bechtel Group, whose ranks have included several Republican cabinet alumni; and Fluor, which has ties to several former top government intelligence and Pentagon procurement officials [...]
[the Bush administration] may face some heat from lawmakers upset that the administration is moving so swiftly to sign deals with private companies without consulting Congress first."

Erfahrung am Bau: Halliburton. Besides its links to Mr. Cheney, the company has been a major military contractor since World War II. Most recently, it handled the high-speed construction of the Guantánamo prison compound for terror suspects .
neugierig geworden? die halliburton aktie steht nicht schlecht.
allthatglitters - am Sonntag, 23. März 2003, 16:22
allthatglitters meinte am 23. Mär, 18:17:
oha, halliburton. auf deren erwähnung steht ja im drinking game ein glas schnaps. yuck, schon wieder.
allthatglitters antwortete am 23. Mär, 19:11:
achja, und aus dem besagten lager sind 19 gefangene heute entlassen worden, zurück nach kabul nach einem jahr haft, weil sie "keine grosse gefahr mehr" darstellen.