SAT1-Moderator: "Das sind jetzt natürlich ganz schockierende Bilder. Das sind jetzt Amerikaner, das sieht man ja schon an der Kleidung."

Hans-Olaf Henkel: "Ich finde das nicht gut, dass sie das zeigen. Denken sie doch mal an die Familien."
ntv sendet mit. CNN, ZDF und ARD "diskutieren noch".
RTL und ORF.at wortgleich: "Das Blatt an der Propagandafront scheint sich zu wenden."
waldt - am Sonntag, 23. März 2003, 18:24
Der "saubere Krieg" löst sich heute nicht nur live im TV auf, sondern auch an den Bröseln zwischen den Fransen des Medienteppichs: Ein deutscher Friedensaktivist berichtet der Tante, dass "die ersten Engpässe deutlich werden. Wasser gibt es jetzt schon kaum noch zu kaufen, stattdessen Fanta, Pepsi und so." Während demnach in Bagdad aus sauberen Dosen getrunken wird, sind die GIs schmutzig unterwegs: Ein eingebetteter Reporter erzählt der dpa, dass seit der Wartezeit in Kuwaits Wüste Duschen höchstens einmal die Woche erlaubt ist. "Der Gestank ist schlimm. Der Mief ist schon fast wie eine Bio-Waffe." So was nennt die dpa dann "Galgenhumor".
waldt - am Sonntag, 23. März 2003, 17:07
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"in the coming days, government contract officers plan to give American companies the first contracts to rebuild Iraq, a task that experts say could eventually cost $25 billion to $100 billion.
The companies that have been invited to bid on the work include some of the nation's largest and most politically connected construction businesses. Among them are Halliburton, where Vice President Dick Cheney served as chief executive from 1995 until mid-2000; the Bechtel Group, whose ranks have included several Republican cabinet alumni; and Fluor, which has ties to several former top government intelligence and Pentagon procurement officials [...]
[the Bush administration] may face some heat from lawmakers upset that the administration is moving so swiftly to sign deals with private companies without consulting Congress first."

Erfahrung am Bau: Halliburton. Besides its links to Mr. Cheney, the company has been a major military contractor since World War II. Most recently, it handled the high-speed construction of the Guantánamo prison compound for terror suspects .
neugierig geworden? die halliburton aktie steht nicht schlecht.
The companies that have been invited to bid on the work include some of the nation's largest and most politically connected construction businesses. Among them are Halliburton, where Vice President Dick Cheney served as chief executive from 1995 until mid-2000; the Bechtel Group, whose ranks have included several Republican cabinet alumni; and Fluor, which has ties to several former top government intelligence and Pentagon procurement officials [...]
[the Bush administration] may face some heat from lawmakers upset that the administration is moving so swiftly to sign deals with private companies without consulting Congress first."

Erfahrung am Bau: Halliburton. Besides its links to Mr. Cheney, the company has been a major military contractor since World War II. Most recently, it handled the high-speed construction of the Guantánamo prison compound for terror suspects .
neugierig geworden? die halliburton aktie steht nicht schlecht.
allthatglitters - am Sonntag, 23. März 2003, 16:22
langsam verpass ich mir ja hier das krieg und kosmetik ressort.
the girl can't help it.

frau sweet, seifensiederin, bietet folgendes an:
"Security Alert Soap Set"
Five Bar Soap Set
Each bar has these words inside and the corresponding colors.
Blue - Low (Low Lavender)
Green - Guarded (Guarded Green tea)
Yellow - Elevated (Elevated Eucalyptus)
Orange - High (High Hazelnut)
Red - Severe (Severe Sage)
alles chez http://www.sweetsoaps.com/ -
auch das heim der saddam seife und des clean up terrorism seifensets (nur vier blöcke: Wash Out Evil Doers, Axis of Clean, Operation Enduring Cleandom und Weapon of Bath Destruction).
warum sollte auch http://www.ducttape.com/ das ganze geschäft allein machen. don't be afraid, be http://www.ready.gov .
the girl can't help it.

frau sweet, seifensiederin, bietet folgendes an:
"Security Alert Soap Set"
Five Bar Soap Set
Each bar has these words inside and the corresponding colors.
Blue - Low (Low Lavender)
Green - Guarded (Guarded Green tea)
Yellow - Elevated (Elevated Eucalyptus)
Orange - High (High Hazelnut)
Red - Severe (Severe Sage)
alles chez http://www.sweetsoaps.com/ -
auch das heim der saddam seife und des clean up terrorism seifensets (nur vier blöcke: Wash Out Evil Doers, Axis of Clean, Operation Enduring Cleandom und Weapon of Bath Destruction).
warum sollte auch http://www.ducttape.com/ das ganze geschäft allein machen. don't be afraid, be http://www.ready.gov .
allthatglitters - am Sonntag, 23. März 2003, 14:46
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"Drei Vierteile derjenigen Dinge, worauf das Handeln im Kriege gebaut wird, liegen im Nebel einer mehr oder weniger großen Ungewißheit." [Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege]
Ein US-Soldat der 101. Luftlandedivision warf eine Handgranate in die Unterkunft seines Lagerkommandeurs. Ein US-Soldat wurde getötet, weitere 12 wurden verletzt, sechs von ihnen schwer.
Ein Flugzeug der britischen Luftwaffe wurde von einer amerikanischen Patriot-Rakete abgeschossen. CNN: "Gesteuert werden diese Raketen vom Computer. Abgefeuert werden sie aber von einem Individuum."
waldt - am Sonntag, 23. März 2003, 11:05
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Get seriously pissed with this
SunTzu - am Sonntag, 23. März 2003, 03:45
eine ganze irakische infanteriedivision soll ja quasi mit dem handy in der hand kapituliert haben, dank der nervenzerfetzenden anrufe von psy-ops, newspeak für die propaganda-abteilung (und zwar nicht die propaganda für uns daheim, für uns gibts ja die bilder von den kapitulierenden und saddamposterrunterreissern, sondern die liveunddirektmoralunterminierende propaganda für "den feind").
:::hier hätten wir ja dann auch das wappen des 11th Psychological Operations Battalion (Tactical).

"White is used to represent the unit’s first and preferred type of propaganda, the truth. The upright sword symbolizes the ready defense against gray, the half-truth, and black, the untruth [there, newspeak, i said it! Ed.]. The gold quill alludes to the unit’s ability to disseminate written propaganda, while the red border stands for continuous inspiration and rigor. The heptagon alludes to unit's numerical origin as 7th Psychological Operations Battalion. "
Gar viel weiss nun die Village Voice zu erzählen, die im herbst auf einem recruitment barbecue für psy-ops, die gern iraktechnisch arbeiten wollen, war.
:::the ace of spades
Part ad men and part ethnographers, these specialists, some of whom are just back from Afghanistan, are dispatched regularly to front lines in the Middle East for hearts-and-minds campaigns aimed at undercutting the enemy's military morale and winning over civilian support. Many are waiting eagerly for a call to Iraq.
In Vietnam, U.S. planes sprinkled enemy territory with playing cards, but prior to carpet bombing, they dropped only the ace of spades. Before long, the Pavlovian technique took hold, and just the dropping of aces was sufficient to clear an entire area.
mehr psy op schwänke
:::counter op
natürlich psy-opt der feind zurück, wie das im irak jetzt aussieht, wüsste ich nur zu gerne, im 2. WK jedenfalls war ausser dem flugblatt (das von amerikanischer seite auch noch in jugoslawien zum einsatz kam) das radio der bringer.
:::hanoi hanna
aired in the 60ies over Radio Hanoi, hence the pseudonym Hanoi Hanna. She "welcomed" american troops to Vietnam and by the height of the war told them how their fellow citizens protested back home or how many Americans were killed in action.
"you are not in Kansas any more..."
:::tokyo rose
Tokyo Rose is something of an urban legend -- a fictional person cobbled together from scraps of real history. There's no proof that such a woman existed, although one woman was convicted of treason as Tokyo Rose.
Iva Ikuko Toguri born 1916), a first generation Japanese-American ("Nisei"), is the woman who was tried as Tokyo Rose. she happened to be visiting a sick relative in Japan in 1941. When war was declared between Japan and the U.S., Toguri was trapped in Japan and pressured by Japanese military police to renounce her American citizenship. She refused. Instead, she learned Japanese and took two jobs to support herself while she sought a way to return home.When Radio Tokyo wanted a female voice for their propaganda shows, the POWs selected Toguri. She was one of many female, English-speaking voices on Radio Tokyo, and she took the radio name of "Orphan Ann."

:::meanwhile, back at the ranch
...weiss niemand, wohin mit den gefangenen.
:::hier hätten wir ja dann auch das wappen des 11th Psychological Operations Battalion (Tactical).

"White is used to represent the unit’s first and preferred type of propaganda, the truth. The upright sword symbolizes the ready defense against gray, the half-truth, and black, the untruth [there, newspeak, i said it! Ed.]. The gold quill alludes to the unit’s ability to disseminate written propaganda, while the red border stands for continuous inspiration and rigor. The heptagon alludes to unit's numerical origin as 7th Psychological Operations Battalion. "
Gar viel weiss nun die Village Voice zu erzählen, die im herbst auf einem recruitment barbecue für psy-ops, die gern iraktechnisch arbeiten wollen, war.
:::the ace of spades
Part ad men and part ethnographers, these specialists, some of whom are just back from Afghanistan, are dispatched regularly to front lines in the Middle East for hearts-and-minds campaigns aimed at undercutting the enemy's military morale and winning over civilian support. Many are waiting eagerly for a call to Iraq.
In Vietnam, U.S. planes sprinkled enemy territory with playing cards, but prior to carpet bombing, they dropped only the ace of spades. Before long, the Pavlovian technique took hold, and just the dropping of aces was sufficient to clear an entire area.
mehr psy op schwänke
:::counter op
natürlich psy-opt der feind zurück, wie das im irak jetzt aussieht, wüsste ich nur zu gerne, im 2. WK jedenfalls war ausser dem flugblatt (das von amerikanischer seite auch noch in jugoslawien zum einsatz kam) das radio der bringer.
:::hanoi hanna
aired in the 60ies over Radio Hanoi, hence the pseudonym Hanoi Hanna. She "welcomed" american troops to Vietnam and by the height of the war told them how their fellow citizens protested back home or how many Americans were killed in action.
"you are not in Kansas any more..."
:::tokyo rose
Tokyo Rose is something of an urban legend -- a fictional person cobbled together from scraps of real history. There's no proof that such a woman existed, although one woman was convicted of treason as Tokyo Rose.
Iva Ikuko Toguri born 1916), a first generation Japanese-American ("Nisei"), is the woman who was tried as Tokyo Rose. she happened to be visiting a sick relative in Japan in 1941. When war was declared between Japan and the U.S., Toguri was trapped in Japan and pressured by Japanese military police to renounce her American citizenship. She refused. Instead, she learned Japanese and took two jobs to support herself while she sought a way to return home.When Radio Tokyo wanted a female voice for their propaganda shows, the POWs selected Toguri. She was one of many female, English-speaking voices on Radio Tokyo, and she took the radio name of "Orphan Ann."

:::meanwhile, back at the ranch
...weiss niemand, wohin mit den gefangenen.
allthatglitters - am Sonntag, 23. März 2003, 00:14